High and Low Voltage Recordings

I always wanted to have my own label, but of course it was never the right time to slow down (at least a bit) from touring and producing and think about creating and building a label. This would have meant not only to invest a lot of time and effort to set up and build the necessary infrastructure, but also to find great team mates so that everything could run smoothly and thrive. When would anyone ever have time for that?

It was right when the COVID19 pandemic turned into a worldwide lockdown, when I felt that NOW this could be the moment to challenge myself and create a new endeavor for my musical journey. I knew that either now or never I have the opportunity to execute this dream of mine and at the same time create a smooth and productive challenge during the upcoming difficult times at home.

It was the time for High Voltage Recordings to finally see the light of dawn and open this new chapter of my career.

One of the main ideas behind High Voltage was – of course – to finally tie some long lasting knots with other likeminded producers and join forces to give the uplifting trance scene some additional impulses and signs of life. But of course I also wanted to create a platform and pave the way for upcoming talents to share their music and help them growing their profiles and careers.

In any case, the paramount mantra for High Voltage was and still is “quality over quantity”. I wanted to make sure that whatever comes out of this “idea” is pure quality and joy!

Luckily I had great support for my label right from the beginning and signed the first tracks to well known artists, which helped immensely to push the label into the spotlight of many shows and music portals. Over time this “High Voltage One-Man Show” started to expand and some dedicated people like Stavie Yiannakou(Queen Stavie) and Christoph Angster (Kolliders) joined the label and added tremendous value to its development. Within the first 12 months, High Voltage reached the TOP 12 ranks in the “Beatstats Trance Charts”, which additionally pushed our ambitions and confirmed that our joined work pays off.

In 2022, still (a bit) in the COVID19 pandemic I felt that it was time to reach out to new musical horizons. This included my own, but also the spectrum of High Voltage Recordings. It was with my dear friend Abraham Jimenez Padilla (Silvela) from Mexico, when we came up with our joined alias “Watt:Silla” and our first track “Granada”. This track was something completely different and unusual. Slower beats, chill grove but still very melodic and dancy. We knew that this had to be released, but it would not fit to the High Voltage profile. So the idea of Low Voltage Recordings was born and it proofed to be a very successful one quite quick. Within a couple of days after the first Low Voltage release I got numerous demos from well know trance artists that had the same need for different musical experiences. I was so happy to see that this was another route, which hade to be taken.

Now, with around 100 different artists and signed tracks, I am really proud about how far we came and what great network we’ve started to build. For my part, I am really looking forward to the upcoming time ahead and the new developments we will experience together.

I can’t wait to see how this journey will continue, hopefully with you in it!