“EXCIDERUNT” is a masterpiece of uplifting trance music crafted by the incredibly talented Swiss producer and DJ, Corrado Baggieri. As the track begins, you’re immediately transported to another dimension with an enchanting melody that builds up, slowly but surely. The melody is so captivating that you’ll find yourself lost in the music and completely immersed in the moment.

As the track progresses, the tempo picks up, and you’re hit with a rush of energy that will make your heart race. The beats are powerful, and the bass is so deep that it’ll make your whole body vibrate with the rhythm. The build-ups and breakdowns are perfectly placed, creating a suspenseful feeling that will have you on the edge of your seat, waiting for the next drop.

By the time the track reaches its climax, you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world. The melody becomes even more euphoric, and the beats are so intense that you’ll be left with an adrenaline rush that will stay with you for hours. “EXCIDERUNT” is a true masterpiece of uplifting trance music that will leave you feeling inspired and uplifted. If you’re a fan of trance music, then this track is an absolute must-listen.